Continuing the Golf Fitness series, below are some Golf Fitness videos courtesy of youtube. 🙂
The first two are some quick golf exercise videos featuring Katherine Roberts, a well known golf fitness expert who’s agreed to guide me through this series of posts.
The video below is from the fellas at Bionic Gloves, I’ve used some of their golf lesson videos, didn’t realize they dabbled in golf fitness as well. These exercises look pretty good, I like the fact that they all can be done from home as well.
Never heard from Richard Rigor, but these five exercises are pretty simple and very good. It’s pretty interesting, many of the exercises in these videos you’ll encounter if you ever try a yoga or Pilates class.
Dr. Bob Donatelli has a bunch of videos on youtube and he’s worked with quite a few professional golfers.
Enjoy the Vids!
I’ve completed my golf fitness workout and I’ve sent it out for review to a couple of folks who know about golf fitness to get their stamp of approval. Once we work the kinks out, I’ll post it up for everyones viewing pleasure.