Golf Genie – Golf instruction in the palm of your hand

Golf Genie – Tee to green pocket guide is a nifty little book that made it’s debut at the 2010 PGA Merchandise Show.

The concept is great, it’s a quick reference guide to whole slew of things that sometimes slip your mind when on the golf course.

For example,  and I swear this happens every time I play, whenever I’m in a green side bunker, I ALWAYS forget where the ball should be in your stance (trivia question: Where SHOULD the ball go?).

I used to ask my playing partners, but I quickly learned that some folks have no idea and just give you the ball placement they use.. which isn’t always correct.

Golf Genie is broken down into three different sections, the basics, advanced shots and Quick Fixes.

Under basics there’s pages of information on tee to green fundamentals. Some of the topics covered are; selecting the right club,  average club distances, common ball flights, grip and pre-shot preparation, straight, draw, fade shots, and  short game basics.

It’s good and easily digestible stuff. They illustrate and briefly describe what they’re discussing. The Pitching section, for example has five steps:

  1. The “pitch shot” spends more time in the air than on ground. Use lofted club-sand wedge or lob wedge
  2. Grip firmer
  3. Slightly open stance
  4. Ball position slightly forward from middle
  5. Weight on left side 60/40

Advanced shots are the next segment of the Golf Genie and it covers six different shots as well as pointers on how to achieve more distance from your clubs. The shots discussed are:

  • Up/Down & Sidehill
  • Lob Shot
  • Plugged Lie
  • Trees, Rough
  • Wind, Hardpan
  • Advanced Bunker

Similar to the basics there’s corresponding illustrations and some have numbered steps.

Quick fixes cover the major issues one can stumble on during a round of golf. They are:

  • Pull Hook
  • Hook
  • Pull
  • Push
  • Slice
  • Push Slice
  • Thin/Fat
  • Shank

Each errant shot in the Golf Genie is broken down into two sections. The first section is called the fault and it explains the reason(s) why the shot is occurring. The second section is the Fix section that gives you pointers, complete with simple steps and illustrations on how to correct the shot. But, as you are aware, knowing and doing are two totally different beasts…

The Golf Genie booklet retails for $14.99 and they’ve recently released an Iphone app for $4.99. In my opinion, either option is worth the investment. Having instant access to game improvement tips and pointers while on the golf course is invaluable, you never know when it might salvage a round or shave off a few extra strokes.

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