Battle of the Golf Blogs is an epic struggle where golf bloggers go head to head in a life or death contest that can have only one victor. The battlegrounds for the contest are agreed upon by all involved and the prize is an undisclosed amount of money, bragging rights for a year and a single dollar bill autographed in blood (ok, not really..). 🙂 The format is net match play.
It began last year in 2009 between Tony Korologos from Hooked on Golf Blog and myself and it took place at Disney’s Lake Buena Vista Golf Course. Tony kicked my butt up and down the front and back nine and I left the course with my wallet a little lighter and my ego severely damaged.
BOGB 2010 took place out at Falcon’s Fire Golf Course on 01/31/10 and we included a third golf blogger, Mr. John Duval from Into the Grain.
As you can see by the evidence below, this years victory goes to the writer of Orlando’s best golf blog! 🙂 (that’s me, if you didn’t know…)
For those of you who are having trouble reading it, the dollar above states the following;
“Humbly Submitted to OGB (Orlando Golf Blogger) from mediaguru @ HOG (Hooked On Golf Blog). 2011 is the tie breaker”
If you can’t tell, on the bottom left of the dollar are the tear stains Tony left whilst signing the trophy.
This one is from John, and it states “Dave, enjoy it while you can!” On the back of the dollar, you can almost make it out, it says “PS: I always knew you were the better golfer -JFD”
Seriously, though, it was a great time yesterday and neither of those two were playing very well, and they had a HUGE amount of strokes to overcome. I tell you, being a high handicapper playing against a low handicapper sucks, because if you win, it an empty victory because your opponents had to give you 25 strokes and if they win, it’s an especially big deal, because not only did they beat you, but they beat you by A LOT!
Perhaps next year we can add a couple other golf bloggers into the mix?
Now, to deflate my ego a bit, on the 16th hole, John bet me a dollar that he could win the hole, using my clubs, playing left handed… Check out the epic struggle..
Many thanks to Tony for putting the video together!
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