Reminiscent of Jeff Foxworthy’s “You might be a Redneck..”
I’m starting the “You Might Be a Golfer…” list and I’d like your help. 🙂 Here’s what I’ve thought of so far..
- your dominant hand is darker than your other hand.
- you’ve ever used the term “undulation” in a conversation
- your legs are Bay Watch tan and your feet are ivory white.
- you’ve ever discussed the finer points of bermuda grass over a beer
- you’ve eve rubbernecked while driving past a Golf Course.
- you’ve ever practiced your golf swing while talking to a co-worker in the hall way.
- you purchased cable for the sole purpose of having The Golf Channel
- you know what “Ace Insurance” is
- you purchased an HDTV so you could watch The Golf Channel in HD
- you’ve started a conversation with a complete stranger because they were wearing a golf hat.
- you’ve ever punched someone in the face because they said golf is not a real sport (or wanted to)
- you purchased a Nintendo Wii in the hopes that you could work on your golf swing
- you’ve ever spent $69 dollars on a polo
Here’s some that others have come up with..
- it always looks like you’re wearing white socks and a T shirt
- hearing “FORE!” scares you more than when you hear “foreplay.”
- you unintentionally aerate the yard while practicing your short game.
- your forehead is whiter than the rest of your face.
- you put off replacing family room carpet because you like swing golf clubs in family room.
If you can think of others, leave it in a comment, or give me an @davelair on Twitter.
If you love it, hate it or are somewhere in between, I’d like to hear that too 🙂
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